Zero Waste Ideas: Start Your Journey to a Zero Waste World

International organisations, climate activists and passionate individuals are engaging in conversations about journeying towards a zero waste world. It is important to recognize how we can all contribute to reducing and managing waste. The term Zero waste refers to the general idea of managing materials and resources in a way that preservers their value, while reducing adverse impact on the environment and conserving natural resources. We should all be active participants in preserving our natural resources and working towards preventing climate change. Climate change is real and rapidly affecting the world from melting ice caps at the north pole to blistering hot summers in India. Striving for zero waste solutions is an important step in limiting the effects of global warming. Click here for more information on the topic.

Our current culture of consumption is unsustainable. The good news is technology offers a wide range of innovative solutions that can help us achieve a zero waste Canada. These digital technologies are crucial for creating sustainable management of resources in various industries. Tech solutions, such as online shopping and e-commerce, reduce waste and improve recycling. Recycling and reusing means fewer products are being made, as people buy less, and extend the lifespan of products.

Online gaming has huge potential for creating a zero waste world. In this article, we’ll discus other tech solutions for zero waste. We will also discuss how online gaming can contribute to a greener world.

Tech Solutions for Zero Waste

Technological innovations are impacting every sector of life today and waste management is no exception. These tech solutions, as well as other zero waste business ideas, are designed to help us achieve a zero waste world by managing our energy consumption, monitoring our emissions and encouraging reusing and recycling. Learn more about tech-driven solutions for waste management below.

Smart Home Technology

Smart home technology refers to basic home amenities with embedded communication technology, which enables them to operate automatically or to be controlled remotely. Devices in smart homes are connected to each other and then to a central point, from which they can be controlled. This central point could be a laptop, smartphone, tablet etc. Smart home technology is a key solution for sustainable waste managements, as it provides insights that can be useful for conserving energy and helping homeowners be more mindful of waste. These amenities identify areas where too much energy is used and take automatic actions to moderate waste. Smart appliances, such as dishwashers that reduce water waste, lighting systems that are energy efficient or thermostats that control the home’s temperature, have the potential to significantly reduce your energy waste. Smart thermostats, for example, monitor homeowners’ habits and automatically modify the settings to provide residents with maximum comfort, while reducing waste.

E-Commerce and Online Shopping

You may be wondering what role e-commerce and online shopping play in reducing waste and facilitating our journey towards a zero waste Canada. Many authors and researchers have highlighted the environmental benefits of online shopping, with the most observable being reduced fuel consumption and energy saving. According to statistics, about two-thirds of all emissions from conventional shopping comes from customer trips to and from shopping centers and stores. Compared to conventional shopping methods, online shopping reduces car trips and related emissions, it reduces inventories and especially reduces the waste from retail structures. Imagine how much energy each retail store consumes for lighting and cooling. E-commerce, on the other hand, is a highly energy-efficient alternative. In addition to toxic emissions and fuel waste, plastic, cardboard packaging, and other materials used in retail stores end up as waste. E-commerce provides a sustainable solution to this waste by offering online shoppers package-free and bulk shopping options. They also offer sustainable packaging like refill containers, reusable bags, biodegradable packing peanuts and others sustainable practices. 

Recycling and Waste Management Apps

As the human population continues to grow, the need for better waste management increases. Recycling and waste management apps solve the problem of waste disposal by allowing you to keep an account for tracking and sorting recyclable materials. A mobile app transforms the way we recycle and manage waste, giving users the ability to organise their trash and teaching them more about reducing all kinds of waste. The most popular recycling apps help users find accessible recycling locations that are closest to them. They also suggest different ways that you can recycle different kinds of materials. Such apps are well designed with search directories, through which users can look up various products, from household items to industrial trash and find relevant information and tips on proper disposal, drop off points for pick up and other helpful information. A few of these applications also include a news feature that gives users up to date information about waste management endeavours around the world. You can use unique features, like the barcode scanner, to read products recycle information.

Online Gaming: A Waste-Reducing Alternative

Traditional gaming has adverse effects on the planet and it is generally considered to be very wasteful. Gaming infrastructures from arcades to casinos have exploded in recent years. The current patterns suggests that they will continue to expand and increase their establishments. The first adverse effect of traditional gaming is fuel waste and emissions. Given that players must travel to certain locations to play games, traditional gaming is somewhat accountable for a fraction of the greenhouse gas emissions that are released into the atmosphere each year. This has a direct impact on the environment, affecting land, water, and wildlife. We cannot have a discussion about waste without touching on the production and disposal of game discs and packaging. Traditional gaming contributes greatly to plastic pollution, due to the use of non-degradable plastics and discs. Much of the earth’s resources go into the production of these consoles and accessories, which can often only be used once and for a short amount of time. Traditional gaming practices are highly inefficient when it comes to energy consumption. So much energy is used in the production of consoles and accessories and a lot more energy is used at physical casinos and arcades to run these systems. Tons of natural resources, like wood and steel, go into the construction of gaming venues. Maintaining these giant establishments requires a lot of energy, from lighting, heating, cooling, to the entire running of the space.

Benefits of Online Gaming in Waste Reduction

We’ve discussed extensively on how conventional gaming adversely affects the environment. The next logical step would be to present sustainable solutions to these challenges. Online gaming is a more energy efficient and eco-friendly alternative to traditional gaming. Online gaming is any gaming activity happening primarily or partially online. This includes video games, lotteries, poker, and sports betting. Online gambling is a huge internet-based industry and the best online casinos have great games on offer. There are several ways through which online gaming contributes to waste reduction. First, the use of digital downloads instead of physical media, like discs and CDs, reduces plastic waste and pollution from poor disposal of these items. Most online gaming platforms are compatible with smartphones, tablets and laptops that do no require as much power as physical arcades. There is no need to purchase special consoles and systems. Plus, there is no need for transportation and packaging. You can play these games from your home, reducing fuel usage and your carbon footprint. Online gaming devices also have extended lifespans needing only to be updated and upgraded every now and then. This reduces the quantity of game consoles and accessories that end up as trash.

Examples of Environmentally Friendly Online Gaming Practices

Individual gamers wanting to help the environment can start by choosing to play online. However, online gaming operators also have a responsibility to the environment and to the players. They need to make meaningful contributions to reduce waste. Many online gaming operators are going to great lengths to reduce waste and make their practices more eco friendly and sustainable. It is encouraging and motivating to see online gaming manufactures make necessary contributions to create a zero waste world. We have listed some examples of environmentally friendly online gaming practices below.

Gaming platforms with eco-friendly initiatives

The gaming industry is now mindful of its impression on the environment and is curtailing their impact by aiming for environmentally conscious products and services. One of the ways gaming companies are achieving this is by developing energy-efficient server infrastructures. These set-ups conserve resources by minimizing consumption and maximizing recycled materials within operations and product life cycles. Online gaming providers are opting for renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind, as well as implementing carbon offset programs to reduce Green House Gas (GHG) emissions.

Online communities promoting sustainable gaming practices

Several online communities whose purpose is to promote sustainable gaming practices now exist. These communities are thriving forums where users share tips for energy-efficient gaming setups and encourage the responsible consumptions of digital purchases. On such platforms you may also find information about how to recycle old gaming equipment, proper disposal and ideas for repurposing and reusing. Gaming manufacturers may also share tips for extending product life span and organise recycle programs.

Simple Zero Waste Ideas for Everyday Life

The small things add up to create a huge impact. While the idea of creating a zero waste world may seem incredibly lofty, your seemingly small contributions can add to the collective efforts of others around the world. By simply changing your habits, you can be an active participant in the achievement of a zero waste world. Here are some simple zero waste ideas that you can practice everyday.

Reducing Single-Use Plastics

Avoid single-use plastics when you shop. Whether they are plastic bags or bottles, it is better to opt for alternatives that can serve you over a longer period. That way, you don’t have to worry about it ending up in the ocean or in a landfill. In the place of single-use plastics, use:

  • Cloth bags
  • Glass bottles
  • Paper bags

Composting and Food Waste Reduction

Food waste is a major problem in most households. Freezers and refrigerators are packed with food that will eventually be thrown out. Composting is a good way to reduce such waste. Here are some tips for composting at home:
  • Create a good storage space for the bin
  • Do your research about what foods can go in the compost bin
  • Keep your bin in the sun, so microbes can be more active

Mindful Consumerism

We have all fallen prey to consumerism. It is a drive to buy and own more things and to associate your worth to the things that you own. Most of the time it is things we do not need in reality. Not only is this bad for your finances, but it is also bad for the environment because you end up with products that will eventually be thrown out or a ton of plastic packaging that will contribute to pollution. Before you make a purchase, be sure that you need the item and that you are going to use it.  Reduce your online purchase orders and purchase items that can be reused and recycled.  

Final Thoughts

Our actions and habits today will determine if the earth remains healthy and fruitful in the next hundred years. Climate change continues to threaten the world as we know it and there is a lot that we can do to contribute, starting with reducing our carbon footprints and managing waste. Zero waste is significant in conserving and preserving our natural resources. Technology continues to be instrumental in driving a much-needed change with systems and applications that help us manage waste and lead more sustainable lives. Be a part of the movement that changes the world. You should start by opting for sustainable alternatives that reduce waste and preserve natural resources. Use products that are biodegradable, can be recycled or reused. You can also reduce food waste by composting. Therefore, by being a little bit more conscious and mindful of the amount of waste you generate, you can find innovative ways to make a change and inspire others to do the same.
